This Month's Expert:Alexey Cruz-Pickerell EXPERT OF THE MONTH In Alexey's final week as Expert of the Month he shares some more technique as well as his thoughts on the status of De La Riva guard.
"Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price." - Sun Tzu
Most people who start training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu never make it to purple belt. It takes a long time and a lot of dedication to get here. But there is a secret that many newly promoted purple belts don't know and aren't prepared to deal with. The secret is the... MORE >
10 MINUTES TO BETTER PERFORMANCE Having trouble making it to the gym for an hour a day? Maybe you don’t need to go. A new field of science called Metabolmics as looking at what happens inside your body during cellular metabolism. And they have found that just 10 minutes.... MORE >
MONAVIE ACTIVE This week catches the guys drinking on the job...
BOOK REVIEW By Bill Thomas Don't think about the Full Plate Diet as a temporary fix to your eating problems, it really is a long term change to the way you eat. The basic premise behind the book is that fiber is essential to good health, we don't get enough of it, and it is relatively easy to add more to your diet....MORE >
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