Issue #004
Most people who start training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu never make it to purple belt. It takes a long time and a lot of dedication to get here. But there is a secret that many newly promoted purple belts don't know and aren't prepared to deal with. The secret is the Purple Belt Blues.
You've finally made it! You've been training for years and, although you tried not to focus on it, you really wanted that purple belt. It symbolizes graduation from the ranks of Jiu-Jitsu beginner. But that new belt comes with a hidden price, and you will face some new trials and tribulations in your BJJ journey now that you are wearing it.
Lower ranked belts might start to see you as a target, rather than just another training partner. Their desire to prove their game or get respect might make them a little more eager to tap you, and so they may roll more aggressively with you. You may get tapped by a blue belt, or even a white belt! This can make you question your own game and wonder if you really deserve the rank... MORE >