The Best of MGinAction DVD Review
By Guest Writer: JASON CLEMENT
In this review, we are covering the MG in action 2010 highlight video, featuring the best footage of the year as seen on This DVD provides only a handful of different techniques, however they are presented in mind-blowing detail. Students of this two-disc set receive dozens of concepts, mechanics, and entries related to what are a handful of techniques straight from Marcelo's bag of tricks. Arguably, this is much more applicable than watching twenty techniques in a single sitting, only to forget it moments later.
If you are a moderate to advanced level grappler, it is likely that you know, or have encountered many of the techniques seen in this DVD, but it’s doubtful you are aware of all the intricacies that Marcelo presents on MG in action. Marcelo discusses common scenarios relating to the technique he is teaching. As the technique is explained, the details are reinforced by a second overlaying video showing actual rolling footage providing a sort of technical proof of concept.
There were periods in the lessons where I struggled to understand what Marcelo was saying, but with such great visual presentation, the occasional issue in audio clarity was never a problem. The technique section of the DVD acts as more of a technical briefing of what is to come on disc two. This, for me, was where the true learning took place. ... READ MORE >