It seems like everybody's running a contest these days. We like to use Facebook to connect with our BJJ friends and with our BJJ Weekly readers. We also talk with other other BJJ bloggers and some of the equipment companies that make gear for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Those connections and relationships make Facebook the perfect place to launch a contest for free gear. I mean who doesn't want a chance to win some cool BJJ stuff?
We had over 75 entries on our "Your Gi Is So Nasty..." contest sponsored by Fight Soap. Readers had to come up with a punch line similar to the old your mama so fat jokes. There were some great lines but our friend Andrew Wong took the win right out of the gate with the very first response, "Your gi is so nasty the ringworm growing on it has a staph infection". Ouch. He got a nice shipment of free soap from Bon over at Fight Soap for his trouble, and we all got a nasty visual that we just can't get out of our heads. I know every school or club has someone with a nasty gi, but I can't even imagine who is training at Andrew's school that that line came to him about 3 minutes after the contest was announced.
Omar from K2 Fight Gear is working overtime to launch his new brand of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gi. He wanted to reach out to the BJJ Weekly community and we talked about creating a Facebook contest to give away a new gi. The contest is pretty simple, take a picture of yourself or your gi that shows everybody how badly you need a new one. The funnier and wackier the better because the BJJ Weekly readers are going to vote by liking your contest entry. Whoever gets the most votes wins the gi. You have until September 12 to get your photo taken and posted on the official contest site to be eligible. Once all the photos are posted starting on September 13 readers will have two weeks to vote on who they think should get the new gi. You can vote for any number of entries but only one vote per entry per day. That means you can come back and have your friends vote for you one time each day if you like. Anyone who collects at least 50 votes will get a free BJJ Weekly T-shirt!
This Cobra Kai gi shipping with a free mullet!Never one to be outdone, my buddy Seymour from the blog Meerkatsu has gone over the top with his Design Your Own Crazy Ass Gi challenge. Seymour was chatting with his friend Liam who writes the Part-Time Grappler blog when they came up with this idea. Now it's a great idea, but then they took it to the next level by getting Tatami Fightwear to agree to actually try and make the winning crazy ass gi design. I don't know what the guys over at Tatami were smoking when they agreed to do this, but I can bet you they started smoking more of it when they saw the wacky entries start to roll in!
I personally wouldn't walk out onto the mat in a Wonder Woman themed gi, but evidently somebody wants to because there's a Wonder Woman design up there. There are also all sorts of Star Wars themes, Bob Marley gis and every other crazy ass design you can imagine. So make sure you check out what's going on and get your own crazy ass gi design submitted. Who knows maybe you can walk out on the mat as Ironman at your next competition. Or maybe Spider Man...
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